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Call for Papers
Thursday, 1st May 2025
The Department of History and Archaeology and the Archaeological Research Unit of University of Cyprus invite Postgraduate Researchers from all disciplines of Cypriot Archaeology to submit their papers or posters for the 22nd Meeting of Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA).
Submission Instructions
All interested researchers are requested to send their paper proposals via email or GForm, including:
Name, affiliation, and year of studies or year of graduation of the author(s)
A short CV (max. 1 page or 500 words)
Abstract (max. 250 words)
Preference for oral or poster presentation
Preference for in person or online participation
Oral presentations should be 20 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Poster presentations should be 5 minutes long.
English is the official language of the conference.
You can download and disseminate our Call For Papers!!
Apply with an online form HERE

Apply by email (, by filling out this Word file application HERE

All disciplines and All periods are Welcome!
In this year's PoCA we want to emphasize that Researchers from all Archaeological disciplines studying any period are welcome and encouraged to submit a paper, as long as it is on Cypriot Archaeology and Art.
Field Archaeology
Neolithic Period
Landscape Archaeology
Archaeological Sciences
Digital Archaeology
Chalcolithic Period
Bronze Age
Cyprio-Geometric Period
Archaeological Theory
Cyprio-Archaic Period
History of Art & Architecture
Cyprio-Classic Period
Experemental Archaeology
Hellenistic Period
Public Archaeology
Roman Period
Material Culture Studies
Archaeology in Colonial era
Maritime Archaeology
Museum Studies
Early Christian Period
Byzantine Period
Frankish Period
Venetian Period
Ottoman Period
History of Archaeology
Contemporary Archaeology
Decolonization in Art
PoCA is a conference by postgraduates for postgraduates
All authors and co-authors of each paper and poster must be:​
a PhD candidate or
a Postgraduate Researcher within 6 years of obtaining their PhD degree (graduation after 2019) or
a Postgraduate Researcher holding a completed Master's degree
Participants are advised that submissions reporting on excavations conducted in areas not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus since 1974, or on finds from such excavations, will not be considered. However, submissions based exclusively on the observational study of monuments, sites or uncollected movable antiquities found in areas not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus can be considered provided the research has been carried out with the knowledge of the Department of Antiquities of the Republic of Cyprus. In such cases, the participant must provide a detailed abstract of their submission for review and incorporate any recommendations email

Publication of Papers
We plan to publish the papers presented at the meeting. All submissions will be subject to peer review. Further information about the publication will be given during and/or after the meeting.
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