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PoCA returns to Cyprus!!

9-12 October 2025

PoCA returns to Cyprus after 2020 in hybrid form!
The University of Cyprus, the Archaeological Research Unit and the Department of History and Archaeology is excited to welcome
PoCA 2025, this time in person.


About PoCA

The annual PoCA meeting offers an excellent opportunity to postgraduate students and young scholars, from various backgrounds and disciplines, who are currently carrying out research on Cypriot culture, to present their work, exchange ideas and meet people who carry out research in the same or different field. Its main objective is the organization and publication of a conference by doctoral students for doctoral students and recent postdoctoral scholars (within 6 years of obtaining their PhD degree).


About the logo

"The linear harmony of Gothic architectural elements, from pointed arches to quatrefoils and trefoils, echoes and complements the rich artistic past of Cyprus"

With this year's logo, we wanted to highlight the later periods of Cypriot archaeology and art, which are often overlooked.
This design is inspired by architectural decorative patterns found in medieval churches and cathedrals across Cyprus, such as  St. Sofia Cathedral  (Selimiye Mosque) in Nicosia, 
Bellapais Abbey, St. Nicholas Cathedral in Famagusta (Lala Mustafa PaÅŸa Mosque).
You can also spot an iconic Cypriot Chalcolithic cruciform figurine in the bottom left corner and a Hellenistic terracotta horse rider in the bottom right.

Designed by Theodore Vasileiou 

You can download the logo here to use in your presentation and/or poster

The inspiration


Arched window on the southern side of Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Famagusta


Terracotta Horse Rider figurine from the Hellenistic period

Cypriot cruciform figurine from the Chalcolithic period

nicosia walls_edited_edited.png

Organization Committee
(Meet the team)


Research topic:
“Cypriot Medieval Funerary Sculpture during the Lusignan Period (1192–1474/89)”

Research topic:
“Sampling, Characterization, and Reproduction of Ancient Composite Materials from Cyprus with Emphasis on Hydraulic Lime Plasters” 


Edi Grabar, Ph.D. Cand.

Research topic:
“Late Bronze Age Copper-based Material Excavated at the Site of Enkomi by the French Expedition

Institutional Support

Assoc. Prof. Athanasios Vionis
Prof. Ourania Kouka
Assoc. Prof. Stella Demesticha

Steering Committee

Giorgos Papantoniou, Coordinator (Trinity College Dublin)
Lindy Crew (Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute)
Ourania Kouka (University of Cyprus)
Athanasios K. Vionis (University of Cyprus)
Jennifer Webb (La Trobe University / University of Cyprus)
Charalambos Paraskeva (Department of Antiquities, Cyprus)
Myrto Kalofonou (University of Cyprus)


Stay tuned...

For our keynote speaker announcement 

and registration links


Panepistimiou Avenue 1, 2109 Aglantzia, Nicosia (New Campus)

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